Archive | January, 2017

Salinder’s Saree Show

20 Jan

Salinder Gammage showed off her amazing Saree collection at the January meeting. She talked about the history, types of fabric used and the embellishments. She demonstrated draping, folding and tucking the 9 meter long piece of fabric over a petticoat and up over the left shoulder to drape down the back. img_5602-collage

Julia wore a Shalwar Kameez, purchased on her travels, which also originates in the Indian sub continent. The Shalwar (pantaloons) and Kameez (body shirt) combining to make the Shalwar Kameez.


Both Julia and Caroline wanted to try on more of these beautiful Sarees, some of which felt very heavy due to the stunning embellishments, but weren’t heavy to wear.



Caroline’s second choice with stunning embellishments


Isobelle chose this pretty turquoise Saree to model.


Karen wore this Shalwar Kameez.


In these wonderful black and orange stripes with gold swirls, Corinne wanted to go out for the evening!


Hilary bought a cotton Saree on a recent trip to India which was interesting to compare with the silk fabrics and usually worn to work in the fields.




It brought back memories of the dressing up box but in a much more glamorous way. We were all wishing we had an event to attend to show off these elegant Sarees.

Thank you Salinder!