
group sewing

Glamorgan Quilters meet the second Saturday of every month at Ystradowen Village Hall, Vale of Glamorgan between 10.00am and 3.00pm


Kath Ewins

Contact Kath on 07513 816444

Helen Morgan


Margaret Skinner

Committee Members

Mary Clarke

Jeannie Duncan Farr

Gabby Smith

Amanda Randall

History of Glamorgan Quilters
Glamorgan Quilters was founded 34 years ago by the late Jean Davies. Jean (who used to be a needlework teacher) and a few friends initially met at Jean’s home in Porthcawl, but then they decided to show some of their work at a craft day organised by Atlantic College, St Donats. They also took a book with them for any other interested people to sign and join them.

The first person to sign up was Judi Mendelssohn, former Editor of the very popular magazine Patchwork & Quilting and one of our Life Time Members. They started to meet in Cowbridge every month and charged a £1 (collected in an old coffee jar).

As the years passed and as they grew other groups were established in Bridgend, Cardiff and Penarth.

We still have some of the original members coming to our monthly meetings giving freely of their invaluable knowledge and experience; Truda Theodore who was our Secretary for 12 years and Wendy Surridge who moved to Devizes still managed to drive to our meetings every month until ill health curtailed her visits. However, she left us with our Wendy Surridge Challenge that is set every year and won by one of our skilled and innovative members!!

Media news about our group

Popular Patchwork article (2006) about Mary Jenkins who was a founder member of Glamorgan Quilters

Karin Hellaby’s account of her visit to Glamorgan Quilters

All tied up for Movember

Flickr photo with Alun Cairns MP

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Jenny 14/01/2017 at 11:41 am #


    Do you know of anywhere that holds beginners patchwork courses/workshops? I am a complete beginner I have absolutely no experience in sewing at all!! So it would need to be an idiots guide with a very patient tutor!!!


  1. Annual General Meeting | Glamorgan Quilters - 04/07/2015

    […] About […]

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