Archive | May, 2022

Easter Fun with Bunnies!

6 May

We are back to our usual kind of busy meeting with such a lot going on.

For a start a celebration of Easter, Luna Lapin rabbits and Wilhemina Mouse hiding in the middle all came to visit. That fluffy tail is gorgeous!

We have been making and adding to these over the last 2 years plus, so they all came together at last.

In the room next door Judi Mendelssohn taught her “New York Beauty” workshop and what beauties they are! We are so looking forward to seeing some of the finished quilts.

Just amazing Judi!

Members were busy in the Main Hall working on individual pieces of work and there were a lot of hexagons and blocks in evidence.

Francis made this beautiful memory quilt for a friend’s baby including first clothes and photographs.

Last but not least we had a selection of cotton threads to buy with the money going to charity. Some beautiful colours to choose from! Such a creative meeting and not a minute to spare.

With a Malvern trip coming up this feels like normality at last! See you all soon.

February Show and Tell!

6 May

This month we had a fabulous Show and Tell by two of our members Fran and Chris.

It was a quiet meeting as things are slowly getting going again but wonderful to get together with quilting friends again. We are very lucky to have so much talent to enjoy amongst our members and there is always inspiration and advice to be given and shared.

Fran showed a beautiful array of quilts and hangings that she has made. Just amazing!

Chris gave us a very different selection of gorgeous quilts and who can guess that she looks at things with a mathematical eye?

Another fantastic day. Well done both.