Archive | July, 2013

Annual General Meeting & Summer Lunch

11 Jul

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Summer lunch was held on 6 July.

Helen, our secretary, updated us on members attendance during the year and reminded us that our waiting list currently stands at 22! We were also reminded that we had lost two much loved and long standing members who would be sadly missed by all.

In our Treasurers report Jeannie was positive about our funding for the past and forthcoming year. Everyone was thrilled to hear that the sum that we raised for the Chair’s charity (Movember – prostate and testicular cancer research) was £1,655.00.

Workshops continue to be self funding and income from guests has increased as we have invited non-members to come along to hear speakers. The only issue of concern was that the current rental of rooms at the school is expensive and we need to look at moving to Ystradowen Village Hall which is cheaper.

In her report, the Chairperson talked about the enjoyment that she hoped our past programme had given and looked forward to more of the same next year. She thanked all the members who went to Miskin Manor to welcome the Canadian visitors and remarked on the high quality of work that was presented there.

Lynne also thanked Monica Dennis for developing and maintaining the blog. In September it will feature the new programme and contact information for Committee members.

The venue for future meetings was discussed and the issues explained regarding a prospective move. All advantages and disadvantages were discussed and suggestions put forward. Finally, a show of hands indicated a majority vote to move to Ystradowen Village Hall in January 2014.

Two new committee members were elected. Plus the Shadow Chair and Treasurer were also proposed and elected.

There were three proposals put forward and passed.

The first as that the Committee would have the power to make decisions on behalf of the group that were deemed to be unusual and extraordinary without having a full membership vote.

The second was that we would increase the membership by five in September as the Chair felt that we needed to ensure that we have new members who will eventually be prepared to take on the task of becoming a committee member etc. A suggestion was put forward that due to the high numbers on the waiting list perhaps a further five members could be accepted later on in the year if all worked well with the integration of the first five new members. Some members were concerned about space and noise levels should more members be accepted.

The third proposal was to alter the timings of the meeting from 10.00am to 4pm to 10.00am to 3pm and the revised timings for lunch break would be 12.30pm to 1.30pm. These timings would not apply to workshops which would still continue until 4.00 pm. This was carried for a trial period.

Presentations were made to outgoing Committee members and the Chair thanked them for their committment.

Our Wendy Surridge Challenge this year was ‘The Beatles’ and Wendy presented the silver plate to the winner – Fran Barrett.
Frans Beates

The runner up was Gayney Jones and Joint Third were Margaret Skinner and Jayne Evans.

Any Other Business concluded the meeting.

Shirley Trotter read a letter that had been received from our Canadian visitors which thanked everyone for the hospitality that had been shown to them.

Sonia Fox requested that we had some time set aside for members demonstrations to embrace the wealth of skills and talent we have in our membership. Sonia also wanted reassurance that people on the waiting list would still be invited to appropriate events.

Sonia asked that it be minuted that our thanks are extended to Pat Hixon for her excellent organization and hard work over the Harrogate and York trip last November.

Margaret Skinner thanked Lynne Wheeler for agreeing to take on the role of Chair after such a short membership and for working so hard to make her year of office successful.

The meeting closed at 12.10pm.

After an excellent summer lunch we listened to an inspirational talk from Leslie Brankin which covered her life and achievements in quilting. We then had the opportunity to buy some of her lovely patterns which I’m sure we will all enjoy making.