Tag Archives: Glamorgan Quilters

Happy days at the Exhibition!

29 Jul

Well, what a day – around 300 people through the doors and heaps of wonderful comments about the exquisite work on show – something to be ver proud of all you Glamorgan Quilters!

Lots of ooh’s and aah’s round the main exhibition space in the church….

Chapel area

Group looking at quiltsweb
and lots of chatter in the tea room where friends had the chnace to catch up…


Tearoom1 web

As well as welcoming locals, including Barry Stitch ‘n Bitch, Cowbridge Stitch ‘n Bitch and Cutting Edge Textile group members we welcomed guests from West Wales, Bristol and as far afield as tel Aviv – how wonderful is social media!

And, not forgetting that this showcase of wonderful work could not have been achieved without the help of many of the Glamorgan Quilters members who rallied round to support the event in various ways. For example, making crafts and cakes, offering their quilts and crafts for exhibition, and/or volunteering their time to organise and run the event. What an amazing crew you all are – THANK YOU!!!!

Here are a few of the crew involved but there were many more….


And, tomorrow we have the opportunty to welcome lots more people through the doors – we are so…… looking forward to it!

GQ 2016 AGM

10 Jul

On 9 July GQ held its AGM which gave the opportunity to reflect on the past years activity which included the making of the signature quilt (which was on display), participating in an enjoyable workshop to learn the art of Japanese folded patchwork and hearing a number of interesting speakers which included the Mother of Africa charity work, Textile traders, Batik’nBeads and how to take good photos of your quilts, to name but a few.

members viewing the signature quilt

members viewing the signature quilt

AGM lunch1

AGM lunch

Business over and it was time to enjoy lunch, find out who had won the Wendy Surridge Challenge and hear our guest speaker Christine Porter.

Corinne Roberts was the lucky winner of the Wendy Surridge challenge with her lovely collage quilt

WS winnerweb

Hilary Carney took 2nd prize and there were joint 3rd prize winners Helen Hughes and Wendy Floyd.

The day was rounded off with a talk from Christine Porter….. and not only were members entertained with a lively and enjoyable account of her travels they were able to enjoy viewing a wide range of Christine’s beautiful work.

colage cp

CP collage

A full and enjoyable day and more to come in September!

Email from Christine Porter in response to our thank you note:

Thank you for inviting me to speak at your meeting on Saturday. Your hospitality was amazing! I have been trailing around the UK for years, talking to and teaching groups, and I can honestly say, I have never sat down to such a delicious spread as you provided. The welcome I received was very warm and friendly and I was so well looked after. It was a great pleasure meeting your members. Happy Quilting in the future”.
Best wishes

A Visit from BatiksnBeads

10 Apr
Batik and Beads

Batik and Beads

This month at Glamorgan Quilters we were pleased to welcome Maryke Phillips from BatiksnBeads. And, as well as bringing a colourful display of batik fabrics and beads she entertained us with a lively talk about her quilting life. This included showing some of her work, which was stunning

Two of a series of 6 panels

Two of a series of 6 panels

Maryke collage quilts web

Maryke also enjoys making fabric books

book collage web

And bags, which she sells as kits

Maryke bags web

As well as enjoying Maryke’s company members also had the opportunity to learn how to make pleated squares. Many thanks to GQ Wendy Floyd for sharing her knowledge and skills.

Wendy floyd web

Betty Nicholls manned the activity stall to help make cupcake pin cushions

activity stall web

And, amidst all the activity there was still plenty of time for members to catch up for a chat

JDF and Jacq web

Email from BatiksnBeads
We had a lovely day with you all and we thank you for your support.
I hope I left you inspired to stitch!
We had a good journey home with sunshine all the way
Look forward to seeing you at Malvern
Thank you again
Maryke and Geoff

A Busy Day at GQ HQ!

12 Mar

There was no shortage of energy at Glamorgan Quilters today.

There was much to do on the activites table with a number of Japanese folded patchwork squares needing to be completed ready for the sewing up day on Tuesday. Many thanks to those who put their own sewing aside to help with the task. Your support was very much appreciated.

Caroline sewing up a signature quilt square

Caroline sewing up a signature quilt square

Also, a big thank you to Wendy Floyd who demonstrated how to make a pleated square. Sadly, we didn’t manage to capture the moment with photos but hopefully there will be an opportunity next month.

We were thrilled at the response to our call for craft items. At today’s meeting we received a wonderful array of items for which we are eternally grateful ….and look forward to receiving more in the coming months.

craft collage

Hilary Carney is coordinating the craft stall and is looking for volunteers to make crafts and help sell them so if you are able to help in any way please see her at meetings. Or, you can email her hilarymcarney@googlemail.com

Following notices members were shown a number of quilts that have been made to raffle to raise funds for the RNLI. There will be raffle tickets available at the April meeting.

rnli quilt collage

After lunch we welcomed Kathy Williams, Chair of the Glamorgan Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers who gave a talk about her work. But, before starting her talk she set members up with a short exercise on how to make a braid – which engaged them for the whole hour of her talk!

Kathy left some braiding instuctions for anyone who might be interested src=”https://glamorganquilters.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/braid-pattern.jpg” alt=”Braid pattern” width=”490″ height=”675″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-897″ />ded here

group braiding collage

Kathy showed some wonderful examples of her work….

Kathy williams collage2

Kathy williams rug collage

… including pieces from a collaborative exhibition with Judi Mendelssohn

Trouser project collage

As always,an interesting and varied day and already looking forward to more in the future.

Annual General Meeting

4 Jul

Today (4 July 2015) Glamorgan Quilters held its AGM.


There was a flurry of activity from early morning to prepare the hall and get the food laid out ready for lunch. Great thanks must go to Caroline Leonard who made a delicious lunch and many thanks to those members who contributed with fab desserts. A feast to be proud of!

Three members contributed to the Wendy Surridge Quilt Challenge and after members voted the shield was awarded to Catherine Macey – well done Catherine.

We were delighted that Wendy Surridge could join us to award the prize.

Wendy surridge winner

And, to round the day of we were joined by Jen Jones from the Welsh Quilt Centre in Lampeter who gave took us through a fascinating tour of her quilts with her talk and presentation slides.

Jen Jones

An enjoyable day all round and more to look forward to in September.

Click here to view next years programme

Click here to view details of the new committee

Click here to download details of forthcoming workshops.

Member of the Month

6 Jun

This month the spotlight is on Hilary Sheldon.

Hilary started quilting in 1997 when she retired from work. She attended Vicky Pearce’s classes and recalls that her first piece of work was a nine patch which was hand sewn…. and is still not finished!

Following this she made quillows for two of her grandchildren and an Owl and the Pussycat wallhanging for her third grandchild. Vicky’s Owl and the Pussycat quilt has a real £5.00 note on it but Hilary decided to make hers by printing the image of a £5.00 note on special fabric. In fact, she made one for everyone in the group but it was pointed out that it might be was illegal to produce your own money!

Hilary’s daughter took the Owl and the Pussycat wallhanging to school the other day and her grandson – who is now 17 – was cross that it had been taken down off the wall at home.

Hilary recalled that she joined Glamorgan Quilters around 10 years ago, about the same time as Betty Nicholls. They had to wait 4 years before they were able to join.

The quilt below is 16 years old. It was made by Hilary for a friend, who has since died. She is now renovating the quilt and making it into a wall hanging for her friend’s husband.

HS with quilt

Hilary’s favourite patchwork is cutting and piecing and she likes more complicated designs but says that she doesn’t enjoy quilting as much. She made a quilt with Pam Stead a couple of years ago. It was for a soldier who was based out in Afghanistan. It was a great partnership as Hilary made the quilt top, Pam quilted it and then Hilary did the binding because Pam did not enjoy thta part of the process.

Hilary learnt how to sew at primary school and still has her grandma’s Singer long bobbin machine. She also likes knitting, playing bridge and cooking. Cooking is her favourite pastime with patchwork a close second. She always has something on the go.

She is a member of the Women’s Institute and is planning to do a disappearing nine patch cushion for the annual Glamorgan Federation of WI show at the Cornelly Community Centre.

She enjoys Glamorgan Quilters as it is a very sociable group that enables you to gain new ideas and friends.

Virginia Hole Workshop

15 Feb

The Virginia Hole workshop held this weekend was a very colourful affair and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves!






And, for the future Virginia has a two day workshop that looks very interesting…..


Colourful Creations

7 Feb

Glamorgan Quilters meetings are always colourful and today was no exception. There was wide variety of work to admire.

Hilary was busy with what looked like a Valentine’s quilt

Hilary sheldon quilt

And the other Hilaty was busy working on a wall hanging based on green fabrics.

HC quilt

Truda was showing a beautiful quilt that she has made with cottons and recycled denim jeans.

denim patchwork

Wendy was working with colourful fish.

fish patterns

Margaret Harris is creating a beautiful hexagonal quilt.


And, Drew got stuck into a bag that she bought at today’s stash sale.

owl eyes

Looking forward to enjoyng more of the same next month!

Celebrating A New Year

3 Jan

Today, Glamorgan Quilters gathered for the first meeting of 2015 and took the opportunity to show off some of their work at Show and Tell. The focus was on the first and worst quilt that people had made but there was a variety on show.

Dianne showed the first piece that she ever made which was a small Santa quilt made in log cabin.

Santa quilt Dianne Jollow

And, she showed the gtoup another Chrsitmas quilt that she had made.

Xmas quilt Dianne Jollow8

Sonia showed everyone a small quilt that she had for Christmas from Jackie.

Sonias quilt

And, Jackie showed two memory quilts that she had made using the clothes of a two year old child who had died from meningitis.

Jackies quiolt1

Jackies quilt

Gayney’s first quilt was a child’s quilt.

Gayney quilt

but she also showed some applique that her grandchildren had done.

Gayney work


There were numerous other wonderful quilts exhibited. This one took four years to make.

Christmas quilt1

Christas quilt

And this was stitched totally handstitched.

hand stitcched quilt

There are sone very takented people about!