Hilary Carney

Hilary web

As well as being the ‘Queen’ of recycling Hilary is extremely artistic and innovative with textiles. This is a wall -hanging that she has recently completed.

Hilary Carney

And this lovely butterfly cushion was created using a loose fabric collage technique, inspired by Susan Carlson

butterfly cushion

She made this beautiful bag for her daughter in law.

Hilary's shoe bag

More recently Hilary has been making fabric landscapes

map wales web

Landscape web

One Response to “Hilary Carney”

  1. Pam Stead 07/07/2014 at 8:39 pm #

    What can I say, Hilary? You are the recycling heroine and I am continually amazed by the way you turn junk into beautifully made articles. Rock on!

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